Tuesday, April 10, 2012

The Cow Road

Emily and I drive down the cow road all the time, to see the cows of course. There in line to get sold. They have tags in their ears. When we stop on the road, we talk to the cows, sorta. We also moo and grunt. They know were cool with them. My little one says a blessing for the cows. Its awesome.

Anyways we planted about 5 pounds of sunflower seed all along the road. Actually we just tossed it everywere. Still though, were praying the seeds grow plus it would give the cows something to look at.

Monday, April 9, 2012

Bouncing right back

When we start releasing up to GOD what our hands control, then GOD starts releasing back to us what his hands control.

The Universe

You see only where you are. But God sees where he is taking you.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

Welcome to our Biblical Seed Harvest Plan!

The goal is to start a network of sharing using the biblical seed principle. Each seed sown will grow. Trust in faith. It will come back to you. You have nothing to lose and everyhting to gain. FAITH IS NOT FAITH UNTIL YOU START FAITHFULLY DOING SOMETHING BY FAITH. ACTION IS REQUIRED. Donate today. Have a Blessed day.